Strategic Plan 2020-2025

Oregon Council Trout Unlimited Strategic Plan 2020 – 2025 – PDF VERSION CLICK HERE

April 1, 2020 to March 31, 2025 Approved by Council Vote: October 22, 2020 Fall Council general meeting





Measure of Success

EOY Results

Objective 1: Fundraising

Strategy: Promote Oregon TU Brand. Support

Chapter Fundraising programs.

Action 1: Develop fundraising plan.

5 Year plan with categories of activities and annual goals.

Fundraising Committee

Council Officers, Pacific Northwest Volunteer Coordinator (PNWVC)


Written plan/ Annual review/ Report at Annual Meeting

Action 2: Co-host events with local chapters highlighting chapter and state-wide efforts in combinations with OCTU Spring and Fall meetings.

Hold 2 events per year, rotated to accommodate Chapters. Goal $2500 annual

Fundraising Committee

Chapter and Affiliate Group Leaders or appointees


No. of events held/ Amount raised/ Report at Annual Meeting

Action 3 Develop and Maintain major donor support through ongoing personal outreach.

Raise $5,000 annually

Fundraising Committee

Council Officers


Amount raised

Number of major donor contacts/ Report at Annual

Action 4: Grant Application

Goal $7000 over 5 year plan.

Fundraising Committee

Council Officers, pursue timely and applicable grants that become available. Recruit experienced volunteer and PNWVC

to lead.


Amount raised/ Report at Annual Meeting

Objective 2: Communications

Strategy 1: Improve the flow of information to and from Council/Chapters/National; Implement processes that keeps the Council officers informed of Chapter and regional issues and informs Chapters

of Council activities and current issues.

Action 1: Increase use of Social Media by the Council and Chapters.

Minimum 1 post/week on Council social media. Include Council, National TU and Chapter issues and events.

Chair recruit Social Media Coordinator.

Chair and Vice Chair until Social Media lead appointed/ Communication Committee

Chapter and Affiliate Group Leaders/ OR TU Staff: PNWVC. Engage Chapter Leaders at Chapter board meeting and Oregon TU Leaders meetings


Annual meeting Communication Director report

Action 2: Survey members to better understand what topics or issues in which they wish the Council

to engage and communicate to members.

Target 2022-23.


Council Officers, Communication Committee, Chapter and Affiliate Group Leaders, OR TU



PNWVC report at 2023 Annual meeting.

Strategy 2: Improve relationship between Council

and Chapters

Action 1: Council Officers participate in Chapter events.

Action 1: Officers attend one or more Chapter board meeting, one or more Chapter meeting or other event for

each Chapter.

Council Officers

Chapter and Affiliate Group Leaders


Council Officers report at Annual meetings.

Action 2: Hold Oregon TU Leaders meetings between Spring and Fall Council meetings.

Schedule twice yearly or more frequent video conference meetings between each Spring and Fall Council meetings. Participants to include Chapter Officers and invitees, Council Officers, Council Committee members and TU Staff.

Council Chair

Council Officers, Chapter and Affiliate Group Leaders, Oregon TU Staff.


Council Chair report in the Council Newsletter.

Objective 3: Membership and Chapter


Strategy 1: Rebuild Chapter in Eugene

Action 1: Identify potential local Leadership

2020-2021 Foster new Leadership to rekindle an active board and develop and execute Chapter events.

Council Vice Chair/ Membership


OR TU Staff


Council Officers report at Annual meetings.

Action 2: Kickoff event to attract community and membership

Support fundraising event as needed 2020-21.

Council Vice Chair/ Membership


OR TU Staff


Council Vice Chair report at Annual meetings.

Strategy 2: Continue development of the new chapter in Medford/Ashland area (consider

inclusion of Douglas County).

Action 1: Support the new Affinity Group: South Coast Women on the Fly.

Council support Leadership development, organizational structure and membership growth. Consider evolution to a full chapter or create a separate chapter if there is local support.

Council Officers/ Membership Committee

Affiliate Group Leaders, OR TU Staff. PNWVC


Council Officers report at Annual meetings.

Action 2: Support fundraising event.

Council assist in planning, advertising and event execution.

Council Officers/ Membership


Affiliate Group Leaders, OR TU Staff. PNWVC


Council Officers report at Annual meetings.

Strategy 3: Pursue Additional Chapter Creation

Action 1: NE Oregon

Pursue chapter creation opportunity in Wallowa Co. and/or Pendleton/Hermiston area. Snake River issues to form the focus of the


Council Officers/ Membership Committee

Regional OR TU Staff, PNWVC, Identify local members to develop at Chapter Leaders.


Council Officers report at Annual meetings.

Action 2: Salem

Pursue chapter creation opportunity in Marion County

Council Officers/ Membership


Regional OR TU Staff, PNWVC, Identify local members to develop at Chapter Leaders.


Council Officers report at Annual meetings.

Action 3: Portland Metro region

Pursue chapter creation opportunity in Portland Metro region. Possible

Gresham-Troutdale-Sandy River focus.

Council Officers/ Membership


PNWVC, Identify local members to develop at Chapter Leaders.


Council Officers report at Annual meetings.


strategic outreach

Action 1: Identify diversity opportunities.

Develop a diversity policy and list of goals that align with our core values and mission.

Diversity Initiative Leaders/ Membership


Council Officers, Chapter and Affiliate Group Leaders, TU Staff


Diversity Committee and Council Officers present at the 2021 Annual Spring meeting.

Action 2: Increase diversity of Oregon TU membership and Leadership through strategic outreach.

In collaboration with the Chapters and Affiliate Groups develop and initiate an outreach strategy to build relationships with non-white, non- male groups and individuals that share our mission and values. Identify and communicate with 1-2 groups


Diversity Initiative Leaders/ Membership Committee/ Chapter Leaders

Council Officers, Diversity Group Leaders. Develop relationships through partnered activities: invitations to TU events and coordinate Oregon TU members volunteering at the other groups events.


Diversity Committee and Council Officers present at the 2021 Annual Fall meeting. Progress reports at subsequent Annual Meetings.

Action 3: Increase diversity of TU membership through strategic outreach to youth and younger adults.

Support Chapters in develop programs of interest to youth and younger adults. Encourage each Chapter hold one event annually beginning 2021-22.

Diversity Initiative Leaders/ Membership Committee/Chap

ter Leaders

Youth Group Leaders

Diversity and Membership Committees report at Annual Meeting.

Action 4: Veteran Outreach

Council to support Chapter outreach to insure that Veterans are included in Oregon TU outreach efforts and welcomed in TU chapters and events.

Council Officers, Veterans Coordinator

Chapter and Affiliate Group Leaders, Member Veterans , Veterans Groups, National TU. Develop relationships through partnered activities: invitations to TU events and coordinate Oregon TU members

volunteering at the other groups events.


Veteran Coordinator Update at Annual Fall Meeting report

Action 5: TU Ambassador Outreach Program

The Council and Chapters co-develop a “TU Ambassador” strategy in conjunction with local fishing shop or other outdoor retail location; create “engagement kit” with local TU information and members for flier,

free distribution at local fly shops.

Council Officers/ Chapter and Affiliate Group Leaders / OR TU Staff

Local retail businesses


Council Officers report at Annual Meetings.

Objective 4: Legislative & Agency Advocacy

Strategy 1: TU Presence at and participation in

critical legislative sessions and agency planning

Action 1: Develop an Advocacy Action Calendar

Recruit an Advocacy Committee member to develop a shared calendar listing legislative sessions, agency meetings and action deadlines.

Develop a member notification system. Calendar open to Council Officers, Advocacy Committee

members and authorized TU Staff.

OCTU Officers / Advocacy Committee/ OR TU Staff

TU National


Completion of e-calendar

Action 2: Identify primary focus areas for each legislative session, as well as hearings to attend/testify or provide comment.

Annual Fall Advocacy Strategy meeting to identify key issues for focus in each session, and identify key hearings where presence would be ideal (reflect in calendar as dates


OCTU Officers / Advocacy Committee/ OR TU Staff

TU National, Chapter and Affiliate Group Leaders or appointees, sister organizations


Annual meeting Advocacy Director report

Action 3: Increase presence and/or submission of testimony at legislative hearings and agency/regulatory sessions.

Have presence physically, or in the form of written testimony, at legislative sessions and agency meetings on behalf of OCTU.

OCTU Officers/ Advocacy Committee / Chapter Officers/

OR TU Staff

TU National, Chapter and Affiliate Group Leaders or appointees


Advocacy meeting notes, Advocacy Newsletter Reports, Annual meeting Advocacy Director report

Action 4: Increase effectiveness of communication of Advocacy goals, campaigns, activities and action alerts to Oregon TU members.

Advocacy Report at Oregon TU Leaders meetings, Council meetings, monthly Newsletter, and breaking issues on social media.

Council chair

/Advocacy director/ Advocacy Committee

OR TU Staff/National TU


Annual meeting Advocacy Director report

Action 5: Increase engagement of OCTU and OR TU members in national advocacy.

Advocacy committee and/or Council members identify and report at Oregon TU Leaders meetings, Council meetings, monthly Newsletter, and

breaking issues on social media.

Advocacy Committee/ Council Officers

National TU Leadership, TU Government Affairs office, Chapter and Affiliate Group Leaders and membership


Advocacy meeting notes, Advocacy Newsletter Reports, Annual meeting Advocacy Director report

Action 6: Increase the effectiveness of OCTU Advocacy through engagement with other conservation organizations.

Engage in other conservation organization’s events and activities that will advance OCTU Advocacy objectives. Continue Oregon

Conservation Network membership.

Advocacy Committee/ Council Officers

Chapter and Affiliate Group Leaders, TU Staff, Oregon League of Conservation Voters. Engage with other local conservation groups with a focus on water, fish and habitat



Advocacy meeting notes, Advocacy Newsletter Reports, Annual meeting Advocacy Director report

Objective 5: OCTU Participation at TU

National and Regional Events

Strategy 1: Oregon represented at National and

Regional TU events

Action 1: OCTU Chair and NLC Rep attends TU

National Meeting


Council Officers


Annual meeting Council

Chair report

Action 2: OCTU Chair & NLC Rep attends Western

Regional Meeting


Council Officers


Annual meeting Council

Chair report

Action 3: Encourage Chapters to send representatives to the Western Regional Meeting

Recruit Chapter Leaders and potential

Leaders to attend the regional meetings. Budget funding annually.

Council Officers

Chapter and Affiliate Group Leaders


Annual meeting Council Chair report

Objective 6: Conservation

Strategy 1: Oregon TU Conservation Mission: work

with Chapters to develop and execute projects

Action 1: Assist Chapter conservation project EAS

grant applications

Improve chapter conservation efforts

by supporting EAS grant applications

Council Officers

Chapter and Affiliate Group Leaders


Council Chair Annual

meeting report

Action 2: Wild vs. hatchery position align with Wild Steelhead Initiative.

Support WSI wild vs. hatchery position.

Council Officers,

Advocacy Committee

Oregon TU Staff/TU National


Published document

Action 3: Conservation Projects

Projects are generally local. The Council Conservation Committee will research potential projects and assist in the development, fund raising and execution by the appropriate Chapter or Chapters.

Council Officers/ Chapter and Affiliate Group Leaders

OR TU Staff, allied Conservation Organizations, key Government Agencies.


Report on progress and completion of projects in the Chapter and Council Newsletters and social media, Annual report to members and Conservation chair report to Council

Annual meeting.

Objective 7: Succession Planning

Strategy: Identify, recruit and develop new potential

Leaders from OR TU membership, and beyond

Action 1: Each chapter president invite one additional member from the chapter to OCTU Annual meetings and Leader Conference Calls.

For each state-wide OCTU meeting, ask each Chapter President to bring, in addition Chapter Officers one

additional chapter member.

Council Officers/ Chapter and Affiliate Group



Council Chair welcome new attendees at each meeting.

Action 2: Each Council member identify a potential new Council member each year.

Increase Council capacity with new Council members and leaders. Invite prospective members to Chapter events, Chapter board meetings and Council meetings to introduce them to the Oregon TU process and


Council Officers/ Chapter and Affiliate Group Leaders

Oregon TU Staff, PNWVC


Council Chair identify new additions to the Council at Annual Meetings.

Action 3: Develop a Council officer succession plan.

Plan to begin fall of 2021

Council Officers/ Chapter and Affiliate Group


Oregon TU Staff, PNWVC


Council Chair, Membership Chair report on progress at Annual Meetings.